You must be, at the time of OTX2024, a member of:
Your membership status will be verified upon registration in order for you to retain the member rate.
Non-members who register at the member rate and haven't purchased an OTA membership will be transferred to the non-member rate and invoiced the difference.
You must be, at the time of OTX2024:
You also need to join OTA within 12 months of your graduation date.
You must be, at the time of OTX2024:
To qualify for the discounted OTA student member rate, you need to join OTA. Student membership is free.
Don't fit in any of the categories above? You can still attend OTX2024 as a non-member.
Are you an OT? Join OTA and save!
If you sign up to OTA before registering for OTX2024, you'll be eligible for the member price.
There are other benefits to joining OTA. Find out about all of the benefits of membership, including discounted registration on our events and CPD recognised by Ahpra.