conference concurrent session

Call for Presentations

Call for Presentations 

We're inviting presentation submissions from clinicians, students, researchers, and exhibitors that encompass an emerging or innovative practice, an advancement in occupational therapy practice or a product and service innovation.

Key Dates

Submission Mentoring Closes:  2 November 2023

Call for Presentation Closes:  8 November 2023

Notification to Submitters of Presentation Acceptance:  31 January 2024

Submitters Deadline to Accept Offer to Present:  9 February 2024

Program Released:  21 February 2024

Presenter Deadline to Register:  20 March 2024

What to Submit

Presentation submissions can include, however is not limited to, submissions in the form of project briefs, practical applications of evidence-based practice, case studies, quality improvement activities, research findings, or stories and experiences. These submissions could be presented as an oral presentation, clinical conversation, workshop, occupation station or electronic poster display. Submissions from previous years can be found here to assist in the process..

Examples of Previous Presentation Submissions

Looking for some great submissions as a source of inspiration or guidance? Check out our submission examples from the previous OT Exchanges.

Submission Mentoring

The submission mentoring program is suitable for those with limited to no experience in submitting a presentation for a conference. The goal of mentoring is to assist the author to present material clearly and concisely prior to submitting for the formal presentation review process. Mentoring may be useful for those who do not have access to support via their own networks or organisations, or for those whose first language is not English. To apply for mentoring, please email a draft copy of your submission to to be connected with a mentor. Submission mentoring closes on 2 November 2023.

Presentation Themes

Submissions are welcome under the following practice areas:


Initiatives that support those with a range of disabilities to empower them to engage in meaningful occupation, develop welcome and inclusive communities and support the attainment of quality of life.

man in wheelchair closing car door


Work to support the quality of life, safety & occupational performance of young people 0-18 years & their families with a variety of complexities incl. physical, developmental, sensory, genetic & neurological disorders.

occupational therapist helping child solve puzzle

Older Persons

Work with older people and their families that improves their quality of life, prevent functional decline and address health and age-related changes that impact on their ability to engage in meaningful occupation.

occupational therapist helping elderly man with gardening

Knowledge Translation

Actions that connect the “what we know” with “what we do” to better integrate best evidence into practice across a variety of contexts including academic research, community projects, quality improvement initiatives, student projects and participatory action research.

occupational therapist looking at client with care

Emerging & Innovative Practices

Emerging/innovative practice across clinical or administrative domains that address critical needs of a particular program, population or system, & which hold promise based on some level of evidence of effectiveness or change but do not yet have scientific or broad expert consensus.

occupational therapist attaching device to client's arm

Presentation Types

Submissions can be presented at the OT Exchange in the following ways:

Oral Presentation

Oral Presentations will be 15 minutes in total (a 12 minute presentation and 3 minutes for Q+A at the end of your presentation). Any submissions not selected for an Oral Presentation will be considered for an ePoster Display.

oral presentation

ePoster Display

Electronic Poster (ePoster) Displays will be on display for the duration of the Conference. Full details of the format and display of ePosters will be detailed within acceptance notifications sent to nominated presenting authors.

eposter display

Clinical Conversation

Clinical Conversations will be up to 1 hour with up to 5 panel members and moderator. Clinical Conversations will be a live and interactive discussion on a specific topic. When submitting, please indicate the participating panellists.

clinical conversation


Workshops will be 60-90 minutes in length and involve a structured and engaging presentation on a key topic of research, program/strategy implementation or innovation. When providing a submission please provide any specific ideas for engagement or workshop facilitation style.


Occupation Station

Occupation Stations will be 25 minutes in length and will engage participants in completing an occupation / activity that demonstrates a therapeutic or similar intervention, skill or strategy and provides an understanding and discussion regarding its use and benefits.

occupation station

Product or Service Innovation Presentation

Product or Service Innovation Presentations are an opportunity for clinicians to showcase an innovative product or service for clients. This could include a start-up company, new concept or innovation that does not yet have scientific or broad expert consensus. Submissions for a product or service innovation presentation will be considered for a 10-15 minute oral presentation or pitch, which includes time for question and answer and/or feedback. Presentation details to be confirmed at the time of acceptance.


Exhibitor Presentation

Exhibitor Presentations are an opportunity for confirmed exhibitors of OTX 2024 to showcase their products and services, demonstrate techniques for client assessments, introduce new product developments and influence potential customers with in-depth information. It will be a 12-minute oral presentation and must have an educational outcome for participants (sales presentations and pure product promotion will not be accepted). A maximum of two proposals may be submitted per company.


How to Submit

1. Prepare your submission up to 250 words in total. You may like to format as:

- Introduction / background

- Method / implementation / approach

- Discussion / outcome / learning objectives

- Conclusion / relevance to occupational therapy knowledge practice

2. Click here to access the presentation submission portal.

Within the portal, you will need to 'Create a New Account', then 'Update Your Contact Information'. Once this step is done, you will see the 'Presentation Submission' tab.

3. Follow the instructions to submit your presentation. You will be asked the following questions:

- Presentation title

- Preferred presentation type

- Presentation theme / practice area

- Key words that relate to your submission

- Author names and affiliations

- Biography of the presenting author

- Your 250 word presentation submission

4. Complete your submission and 'Submit' then check your inbox for your confirmation email. If you have not received a confirmation email your presentation has not been submitted.

5. Notification of the outcome of your submission will be sent to you by email on 31 January 2024.