conference concurrent session

Call for Pitch It! Presentations - Now Closed

Calling All Emerging Technologies and Innovations – Submit Your Pitch!

To meet society's assistive technology needs, occupational therapy must be able to influence the development of new technologies. In this dynamic and interactive session, we invite OTs to submit a proposal to pitch their ideas, concepts, and prototypes in a format designed to encourage discussion of and feedback on their products.

Key Dates

Call for Pitch It! presentations close: 7 December 2023

Notification to presenters of acceptance into program: 31 January 2024

Submitters deadline to accept offer to pitch: 9 February 2024

Program released: 21 February 2024

Presenter deadline to register: 20 March 2024

Eligibility Requirements

  1. The individual or group applying to pitch must include an OT
  2. The device, service or tool being presented needs to be in the prototype stage or later in order to qualify.  Sketches and ideas of potential products do not qualify for participation.
  3. The presenters and prototype would need to be available to pitch at the OT Exchange 2024 on either 13 or 14 June (to be scheduled and advised at the time of acceptance notification). Selected inventors will be required to attend the entire event.
  4. The individual or group will give a 5-minute presentation and receive feedback on their product. 
  5. Presenters must not share any protected IP during the Pitch It! sessions.
  6. Company turnover must be less than $1 million to be eligible for this pitch.

Presentation Themes

Each proposal will require a selection of one technology area, and a selection of key words which best describe the submission.

Download a full list of the technology areas and key words (PDF, 164 KB).

How to Submit

1. Prepare your submission up to 250 words in total. Summarise the major points of your abstract and describe how this topic will advance either the practice/professional development of the participant or the field of occupational therapy. Please cover the following points. Required items are indicated (*).


  • Briefly describe your product or tool*
  • What is the broad mission or goal of your company or personal mission as it relates to development of this product?

Problem Statement

  • What problem does this solution solve?*
  • What is the target population (including the number of people affected and potential number this could help)?
  • How will the product improve/revolutionize/change current occupational therapy practice?*
  • How has OT been involved in the creation of your product?

Solution / Technology

  • Describe your innovative product or tool*
  • Describe stage of development*
  • What are plans for further development, testing and dissemination?

Competition / Competitive Advantage

  • What existing technology may be a competitor for this product?
  • What barriers to adoption and strategies to overcome these barriers?

Sales / Marketing

  • What traction has the product received?
  • Where would you like the product to be a year from now?

2. Access the presentation submission portal. Within the portal, you will need to 'Create a New Account', then 'Update Your Contact Information'. Once this step is done, you will see the 'Presentation Submission' tab.

3. Follow the instructions to submit your presentation. You will be asked the following questions:

- Presentation title

- Technology area that best relates to your submission

- Keywords that relate to your submission

- Author names and affiliations

- Biography of the presenting author

- Synopsis answering the above questions

4. Complete your submission and 'Submit' then check your inbox for your confirmation email. If you have not received a confirmation email your presentation has not been submitted.

5. Notification of the outcome of your submission will be sent to you by email on 31 January 2024.